1Ac) Add “a(n)” where necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

1Ac) Add “a(n)” where necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. Political conservatives were actually more likely to support Romney when they learned he was Mormon
2. Merthin visited her couple of days later
3. Gwenda can get hundred day
4. Give little bit of your love to me
5. It’s a funky lodge where people gather over pint of beer or game of chess
6. Gregory should be little careful
7. My mum was there and quite few doctors
8. It’s rather favourite of mine
9. Owners are not allowed to make such decision unilaterally
10. He says that he has quite few ideas on possible solution