1Af. Add “a(n)” or the letter N is no article is necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

1Af. Add “a(n)” or the letter N is no article is necessary (Capítulo I, desde la pág. 11 hasta la pág. 15 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. He was Muslim cleric with no medical experience
2. The accident backed up traffic for nearly mile
3. Chistmas comes once year
4. I met Cecilia few days ago
5. What pleasure!
6. I've never seen such division of opinion
7. Many big-budget film becomes unwieldy in production
8. We had already had half decade of technological revolution
9. We had many laugh
10. It's been crazy so far just being here at such young age