2a. Presente simple del verbo “To BE” (TO BE, present simple)(XX, página 143)

2a)Añadid la forma del presente del verbo TO BE (20.1.1., página 143).
1. My father ………. old.
2. I … ……. Spanish.
3. John … ……. tall.
4. We ..... ......... young.
5. You … …….my friend.
6. He …… …. rich.
7. They … ……. happy.
8. Ana …… …. my daughter.
9. Peter and Paul ... ....... in Paris.
10. Paul and I .... ...... English.
11. Peter and you .... ...... friends.
12. I ..... ..... poor.
13. The house .... ...... white.
14. The car .... ...... red.
15. She ... ...... beautiful.
16. It ..... ..... black.
17. I..... ..... in London.
18. It ..... ..... new.
19. The pencils .... ...... on the table.
20. My mother .... ...... young.
21. My name .... ..... Jane.
22. I ... ....... a student.
23. Peter and I ..... ....... English.
24. You and your brother ... ...... intelligent