20a. PREGUNTAS COLETILLA. QUESTION TAGS (Del 47.2 al 47.2.6, páginas 271 y 272 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

20a. Añada la question tag a las siguientes oraciones (Del 47.2 al 47.2.6, páginas 271 y 272 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

20a. Añada la question tag a las siguientes oraciones (Del 47.2 al 47.2.6, páginas 271 y 272 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

1. You'll miss her,

2. He went into his office,

3. They were waiting outside the studio,

4. It is not long before Christmas,

5. They're wonderful,

6. You've got an original family,

7. The journalists were taking photographs,

8. Aurelia didn't come out,

9. She can't do this,

10. I don't really need a bag,

11. She smiled at me,

12. She'll be back in a minute,

13. Mum didn't know,

14. You couldn't do it,

15. Horses need plenty of fresh air,