29b. PRETÉRITO PERFECTO (PRESENT PERFECT) (Tema 24, desde la página 165 a la página 171 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

29b. Escribid oraciones en pretérito perfecto con JUST (24.2.1, página 167 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

29b. Escribid oraciones en pretérito perfecto con JUST (24.2.1, página 167 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

1. I am 46 and I my virginity (to lose)

2. She is reading a letter she to her boyfriend (to write)

3. I 56 but I'm still healthy and still strong (to turn)

4. He two weeks in Spain with his girl-friend (to spend)

5. Picasso the third best selling artist (to become)

6. I from a holiday in Morocco (to return)

7. Two policemen (to arrive)

8. Your wife (to telephone)

9. That man the bank (to rob)

10. your girlfriend with Tom (to meet/I)