29e. PRETÉRITO PERFECTO (PRESENT PERFECT) (Tema 24, desde la página 165 a la página 171 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

29e. Usad el verbo en pretérito perfecto y añadid FOR o SINCE (24.2.4. y 24.5, páginas 168 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

29e. Usad el verbo en pretérito perfecto y añadid FOR o SINCE (24.2.4. y 24.5, páginas 168 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

1. They (to live) in this house 20 years

2. My father (to work) for this company 1990

3. Things (to change) I was a boy

4. I (to study/not) English a month

5. I (to see/not) her more than a week

6. Russia (to change) the time of President Boris Yeltsin

7. What (to change) you lost weight?

8. She (to find/not) job three years

9. My grandmother (to be) very ill the last three weeks

10. (to have/we) terrible weather in Granada the last four months