34h. LA VOZ PASIVA. THE PASSIVE VOICE (Tema 60, desde la página 331 hasta la página 338 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

34h. Write the verbs in brackets in the right passive tense (60.1, 60.1.1, y 60.1.2; páginas 331, 332 y 333 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

34h. Write the verbs in brackets in the right passive tense (60.1, 60.1.1, y 60.1.2; páginas 331, 332 y 333 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

1. The car is going (to open)
2. The dog (to feed) every day
3. A very beautiful song (to sing) now
4. The money (to invest) next week
5. The letter (to post, already)
6. the house (to sell) yet?
7. The poems (to read) at class yesterday
8. The bill ought (to pay)
9. That mountain can (to climb) by María and Miguel
10. Attention must (pay)