34L. LA VOZ PASIVA. THE PASSIVE VOICE (Tema 60, desde la página 331 hasta la página 338 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

34L. Transform the following sentences into the passive voice. Do not mention the agent unless it seems necessary (60.1, 60.1.1, y 60.1.2; páginas 331, 332 y 333 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

34L. Transform the following sentences into the passive voice. Do not mention the agent unless it seems necessary (60.1, 60.1.1, y 60.1.2; páginas 331, 332 y 333 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

1. They didn’t pay good wages
2. The teachers are losing the match
3. Someone will repair the car
4. Is anybody watering the flowers?
5. Was she reading Hamlet?
6. Someone had lost the key
7. She will have solved the problem
8. He won’t have taken the opportunity
9. Someone would have told the police
10. They had been cutting the tree