35h. PRONOMBRES RELATIVOS. RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Tema 16, desde la página 123 hasta la página 130 y Tema 52, desde la página 301 hasta la página 303 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

35h. Rewrite the following sentences and omit the relative pronoun if possible (16.7, página 129 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

35h. Rewrite the following sentences and omit the relative pronoun if possible (16.7, página 129 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).
1. This is the fastest car that I have ever driven

2. That is the boy whose bike was stolen yesterday

3. These are the men and the helicopter that we saw

4. That is the hotel in which they stayed

5. That’s the key with which she opened the door

6. That’s the plane whose pilot disappeard two hours ago

7. He gave us everything that we needed

8. This is the best wine that I’ve ever tasted

9. All that you need is love

10. It’s a man that needs a wife