36g. ESTILO INDIRECTO. INDIRECT SPEECH, REPORTED SPEECH (Tema 61, desde la página 339hasta la página 353 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

36g. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.4.2, páginas 344, 345 y 346 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles) En estas oraciones se puede suprimir la conjunción THAT:

36g. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.4.2, páginas 344, 345 y 346 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles) En estas oraciones se puede suprimir la conjunción THAT:

1. They probably didn't share my enthusiasm”
He said that

2. “The banking system nearly collapsed three years ago”
He said that

3. “These clothes are fashionable”
She told us that

4. “You are now in my power”
She told us

5. “Rose is now pregnant”
They said

6. “Yahoo is making this easier”
Mr Brown said that

7. “Next year is not going to be easy financially”
He said that

8. “I’m going to talk to them tomorrow”
Elizabeth said that