36u. ESTILO INDIRECTO. INDIRECT SPEECH, REPORTED SPEECH (Tema 61, desde la página 339 hasta la página 353 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

36u. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.6.1 y 61.6.2, página 350 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

36u. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.6.1 y 61.6.2, página 350 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

1. “Put this here”
He told me

2. “Stay in England”
The police ordered him

3. “Call again tomorrow”
I asked her

4. “Parcel up most carefully”
He requested her

5. “Start taking things easy”
He told me

6. “Take these pills”
The doctor advised me

7. “Look after your weight”
She has told me

8. “Stop smoking”
My doctor warned me