39t. VERBOS FRASALES. PHRASAL VERBS (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39t. Choose the right particle to complete the phrasal verb: about, down, into, off, out, up, up with (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

39t. Choose the right particle to complete the phrasal verb: about, down, into, off, out, up, up with (Tema 48, desde la página 275 hasta la página 281 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. It was suggested that better training might help bring some change
2. He wrote the names of everyone who had helped him
3. Things don't always work as well as that
4. She turned about half an hour before the end
5. Sara seldom saw him to work
6. I don't believe the people of this country will be prepared to put that
7. Subsequently the play was made a film