4zg. HAVE. SIGNIFICADOS ESPECIALES (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zg) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a quarrel, have a letter, have a holiday, have a game, have a cold. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zg) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a quarrel, have a letter, have a holiday, have a game, have a cold. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)
1. Ruth knew everybody's voice, even when they
2. Let’s go and of football
3. With few exceptions, most people would wish to of at least two weeks in the summer period
4. I've from Mrs Duncan, a teacher at the local primary school
5. When they , it was always she who lay awake afterwards