4zk. HAVE. SIGNIFICADOS ESPECIALES (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zk) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a cigar, have a cold, have a day off, have a game, have a holiday. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zk) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a cigar, have a cold, have a day off, have a game, have a holiday. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)
1. I when I have a pint
2. Children are more likely to get an ear infection if they
3. She then like she did at Christmas
4. We of crib last night
5. Why not in England with the family?