4zq. HAVE. SIGNIFICADOS ESPECIALES (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zq) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have supper, have dinner, have breakfast, have a look, have a holiday. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zq) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have supper, have dinner, have breakfast, have a look, have a holiday. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)
1. They always abroad
2. I want you to at that diagram and read it to yourself quietly now
3. They enjoyed together in the hotel dining-room
4. In the evening our friend at the Hotel Europe
5. My mother wanted to live a posh life and parties