4zzc. HAVE. SIGNIFICADOS ESPECIALES (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zzc) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a holiday, have a letter, have a row, have a game, have a cold. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zzc) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a holiday, have a letter, have a row, have a game, have a cold. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)
1. Excuse me if I am a bit hoarse, but I
2. If I can of polo I feel five hundred times
3. Clara was then going to fly to America to with her husband
4. I've from a friend in America
5. It's bad form to about it