42g. ORACIONES CAUSALES. CLAUSES OF REASON OR CAUSE (Tema 54, páginas 309 y 310 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

42g. Chose the right words: as, because, because of, since, why, to complete the following sentences (Tema 54, páginas 309 y 310 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

42g. Chose the right words: as, because, because of, since, why, to complete the following sentences (Tema 54, páginas 309 y 310 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. This is the reason it is little used
2. It was of her that I left my last job
3. He may also have influenced him to do so, he was a close friend
4. Turkish baths properly should be described as Islamic baths they have no special link with Turkey
5. The last two years have been difficult the effects of the Gulf War and recession