8m. EL PLURAL DEL SUSTANTIVO. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS (Tema III, desde la página 27 hasta la pagina 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

8m) Change the words in brackets into the plural form (Capítulo III, desde la página 27 a la página 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

8m) Change the words in brackets into the plural form (Capítulo III, desde la página 27 a la página 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):
1. We haven't brought the( roof) down yet
2. The (man was) having a family gathering
3. After listening, the (child) retold the (story) without the (book)
4. My grandfather brought the (nucleus) from Germany
5. What the (curriculum says) isn't always what happens
6. He keeps his distance from the (thesis) of the Austrian liberal school of thought
7. The (fish is) disappearing in the Mediterranean Sea