8x. EL PLURAL DEL SUSTANTIVO. THE PLURAL OF NOUNS (Tema III, desde la página 27 hasta la pagina 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

8x) Change the words in brackets verbs into the plural form (Capítulo III, desde la página 27 a la página 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):

8x) Change the words in brackets verbs into the plural form (Capítulo III, desde la página 27 a la página 33 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles):
1. The (wolf was) keeping a good distance from them
2. The (leaf) provided a subtle aroma and flavor
3. I'd feel the same as the (man) who (was) jailed
4. The (child) should be encouraged to wake up as soon as the alarm sounds
5. They tried to live according to the laws of Torah as rabbis over the (millenium) interpreted them
6. The (larva) will feed on a whole variety of animals
7. In the (oasis) of Israel's Negev Desert, mosquito larvae and tadpoles vie for food