15Fb. Verbs followed by prepositions ( 5.11.2., páginas 55 y 56 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

15Fb. Complete the sentences by adding the appropiate preposition into the gaps (5.11.2., páginas 55 y 56 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)

15Fb. Complete the sentences by adding the appropiate preposition into the gaps (5.11.2., páginas 55 y 56 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles)
1. It was true that as a young man he had dreamed going to Alaska
2. Special sessions focused the role of women in today s technology
3. It is a chandelier made hundreds of Swarovski crystals
4. The guy gave us a dozen dolls he's been making coconut husks and seashells
5. Her parents and brother left America, while his relatives relocated to France
6. We need to listen our leading experts on this complex crisis
6. We reported this extensively last year and the year before