36f. ESTILO INDIRECTO. INDIRECT SPEECH, REPORTED SPEECH (Tema 61, desde la página 339 hasta la página 353 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles).

36f. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.4.2, páginas 344, 345 y 346 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles): En estas oraciones se puede suprimir la conjunción THAT

36f. Put he following sentences into reported speech (61.4.2, páginas 344, 345 y 346 de Gramática Inglesa para Estudiantes Españoles): En estas oraciones se puede suprimir la conjunción THAT

1. “He has waved, and his sister has done the same”
John said that

2. “I had flu last month”
He said that

3. “While I'm here in Madrid she's in Hull”
Pete told me

4. “They share this point of view”
She told us that

5. “A decision is not expected until next year”
He said that

6. “Despite our success, we continue to move forward”
They said that

7. “I had a job there some weeks ago”
She said that

8. “Iribar was arrested last month”
They said that