4zzL. HAVE. SIGNIFICADOS ESPECIALES (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zzL) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a try, have a swim, have dinner, have a chat, have a meal. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)

4zzL) Choose one of the following phrases to complete the sentences: have a try, have a swim, have dinner, have a chat, have a meal. Use the correct form of the verb (33.3.4, páginas 217, 218 y 219 de Gramática inglesa para estudiantes españoles)
1. Well, we just got talking and she agreed to with me the following night
2. We could go in and together
3. I wonder if your father would like to come and with me
4. That's the second time in twenty-four hours I've in that damned water
5. Then he came up and and he didn't do any better